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There may be circumstances where a request for service does not meet these guidelines. Examples include, but are not limited to a ventilator, external pacemaker, multi-channel infusion pump, hemodynamic or invasive monitoring and IABP.įor non-urgent or primary care transfers, the patient must meet the requirements of the Ambulance Act and the transfer involves one way travel of a distance greater than 240 km. Additionally, patients requiring the use of specialized equipment or monitoring devices during transport are also candidates for our services. Patients who qualify for our medical transport services are those requiring the ongoing administration of medications and/or blood products that is above and beyond the scope of practice of a land Primary Care Paramedic. Politique en matière de confidentialité.CONTACTER LE BUREAU DE L'INTERVENTION EN FAVEUR DES PATIENTS.ACCÉDER À MES RENSEIGNEMENTS PERSONNELS SUR LA SANTÉ.TROUVER DES INFORMATIONS SUR MON TRANSPORT.PRÉPAREZ-VOUS À ÊTRE UNE ESCORTE MÉDICALE.PREPARE TO GO WITH PATIENT ON TRANSPORT (MEDICAL ESCORT).

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